


Privacy Policy

Who are we?

Welcome to YUGO.pk Partnership privacy policy. YUGO operating under the flagship brand “YUGO.pk” owns and operates the booking platform (the “Platform”) referred to as the YUGU “Service”. For more information about YUGO

How does YUGO work?

Our YUGO Service enables travel agents ("Travel Agents") to book flights, visas and travel services with selected suppliers ("Suppliers") on behalf of their end customers ("Customers"). We are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of our users. In this privacy policy, we describe how (i) your personal data will be processed by us as a controller, and (ii) your Customers' personal data will be processed by us as a processor. For more information on how your personal data will be used.

How can you contact us?

Whenever you have questions about your personal data, how we take care of it, or if your personal data changes, please contact us:

  • Email us at info@YUGO.pk; or
  • Write to us at YUGO (Private) Limited, 31 D, Block C3, Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.

YUGO as Controller and Processor Controller

In order to provide our Services to you or your representatives, we may use the personal data you provide to us as a Travel Agent or Supplier. To use the Services, you must accept our Terms and Conditions, which can be found at https://www.yugo.pk/ or any of the subsidiary website. Upon receiving personal data from you, we will be the controller pursuant to UK and European Economic Area ("EEA") data protection laws. It is our responsibility to safeguard your personal data, which will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Suppliers and Travel Agents are the intended users of our Service. Travel Agents can still input and collect information about their Customers through our Service, which is then sent to our Suppliers. When we process any Customer's personal data, we will only act as an intermediary and will be considered a processor as per UK and EEA data protection laws. In this case, we will process Customer personal data on behalf of Travel Agents, which will be the controllers of Customer personal data, under the terms and conditions that we have in place with the Travel Agents. Our Platform will be used by the travel agencies to process the personal information of our customers in accordance with their privacy policies. The Travel agent may use the Customer's personal data to find a hotel and send an email to his or her email address with a quotation or a voucher for the reservation.

We may also collect, use, and share aggregated data, such as statistics and demographics. In law, aggregated data derived from your personal information is not considered personal information since it cannot directly or indirectly reveal your identity. To generate internal reports, we may collect Customer personal data from confirmed bookings.

What data do we collect about you?

In the course of providing the Service, we may collect, process, store, transfer, and otherwise process the following types of data:

(A) A travel agent or supplier

Type of data Data collected
Contact information for business representatives During the registration process for our Service on behalf of your business organization, you may be asked to provide us with the following representatives information:
  • Your full name;
  • Title of the job;
  • Email address at work, and
  • Phone number at work.
Company Information
  • Your company name;
  • ID number of the company;
  • Location or country of registration of the company;
  • Company phone number,
  • Address of the company;
  • NTN registration number.
Billing Information
  • Details of company debit/credit cards;
  • Number of the company% bank account;
  • Currency used in invoicing; and
  • Address for billing.
Feedback and Enquiries Any correspondence you send to us. any conversations you have with us, and any feedback you provide.
Data related to marketing and communication We request information about your preferences regarding marketing and receiving marketing material from us and your preferences for communication.
Facts & Figures When you use our Services, we may automatically collect the following types of information:
  • IP address:
  • Description of the browser and its version:
  • Setting the time zone:
  • Plug-in types and versions:
  • Platform and operating system.|
Data usage Information may be generated about how you navigate our Services, how you interact with them, your preferences (inducting country and language) and methods used to navigate away from our content.
Data category Data type Data type
Identity and contact information
  • Name:
  • Contact number(s):
  • A valid email address;
  • Addresses for mailing and/or billing;
  • Residence country,
  • Travel destination;
  • Details of your passport
  • Birthdate:
  • Nationality,
  • Passport photo (as it appears on the passport).
Data on payments
  • Cardholder's name;
  • The account number;
  • Details of your debit/crecit card.
Data Specific Requirements
  • Where applicable, such as dietary information and medical information.
Certain types of your personal data are treated as "special" bythe law, and they need more protection due to their sensitive nature. It may include information about your race, religion, health, sex life, sexual orientation, or criminal record. If we are required by law to collect or use this type of personal data, we will collect it only if (a) you explicitly consent to it or (b) we have your consent. (B) CUSTOMER When using our Service, the Travel Agent may choose to input, collect or use some or all of the following types of information from their Customers:

What Personal data do we collect about you?

Depending on whether you are a Travel Agent or Customer, we collect personal data differently.


  • When you choose to register an account with us, we will collect your personal data directly from you through the Platform. You must ensure that you have the right to provide YUGO with personal data about your customers. YUGO.pk may collect, use and share such data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.
  • Automated technologies When you interact with the Platform, we may collect technical data about your mobile device, browsing activities, and browsing patterns. These data are collected by cookies and other similar tracking technologies. Please see our Cookie Policy for more information.

  • From our registered Travel agents

When registering for our Services, Travel Agents can input, use, and share personal data about Customers with our Suppliers in order to make a booking. Any Customer personal data processed and used in connection with our Services, will be done so in accordance with the relevant Travel Agent’s privacy policy.

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